Monday, July 13, 2015

Sample MHT with some RAVE visualizations

Got chance to work on few RAVE customization needed for some lightweight fancy dashboard. This report includes Area chart, US states map and simple text chart built with RAVE to display values. Interactivity has been established within dashboard.

MHT file can be downloaded from below path.


Rajesh Vanam

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Gauge Chart - Customized

Here is screen of customized Gauge chart. Customization includes updating aesthetics properties and adding custom shape with rave ‘path’ property.

 Here is link for updated visualisation file:

Monday, August 11, 2014

How to use Extended Visualizations?

There are two options Cognos added as part of Extended Visualizations implementaion,

1) Library Tab in Cognos administration screen

By default there wont be any visualiztions added to Libary. We have to import viz's through this tab.
You can download visualiztions from


As of today there are 31 charts and keep an eye on this portal as this list will keep grow. Each visualization will be avaiable as zip file which consists of following files (Will explain details on each file in later post).

resources\msg_  properties files

Import each visualization from library tab.

2) New Toolbox option 'Visualization'

Add visualations to report by dragging (or Double clicking) this option. We will be prompted to choose one of available visualizations which are added by step 1



Wednesday, August 6, 2014


IBM Cognos  extensible visualization is new chart engine provided from Cognos BI 10.2.1 based on technology RAVE (Rapidly Advanced Visualization Engine). With this new engine we can create our own visualizations or we can utilize the visualization created by others. These new visualizations are advanced to current charts. They are interactive, animated and are available in more variety, including heat maps, spider maps, tag clouds, bubble charts etc. These charts can be customized so that we dont have to wait for Cognos release.
 Chart Engine Cognos 8 Cogns 10.1 Cognos 10.2 Cognos 10.2.1 *
 Legacy Charts    
 Advanced Charts    
 Extended Visualization    

* Intital release (10.2.1) supports only active report. Next minor release supports RAVE charts in Cognos  standard report and Workspace and Workspace advanced